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Physician Assistant Documentation Checklist


In addition to the online application, the following list is provided to help applicants ensure they have submitted all the forms necessary for their application to be processes.  Note: The list is general and should in no way be considered a complete list for any one individual applicant. 

It is advisable that all documentation be collected and submitted in one packet; however, the Board realizes that some examination entities and state licensing boards will not send the documents to applicants,but will send them directly to the Board.

Applicants (excluding Relicensure and Reissuance) must submit the following:

  • Proof of Identify.  Copy of birth certificate or passport.

  • Dean's Certification (Form D). This form can be found by clicking the Supplemental Forms link to the left and selecting Licensing Forms PA.

    Request that each PA school you attended submit both of these forms to you in a sealed envelope with a signature of a PA school official across the outside envelope flap. Do not open this envelope. Send the unopened envelope to the Texas Physician Assistant Board.
  • Form L-PA/AC Physician Assistant Licensure Evaluation. You must have a Form L Evaluation completed by a supervising physician for every facility with which you have been affiliated with during the past 5 years. New graduates must have the PA Program Director complete this form. The Program Director or supervising physician should complete the form and return it to you in a sealed envelope with their signature across the outside envelope flap. Do not open this envelope. Send the unopened envelope to the Texas Physician Assistant Board. Alternatively, the Form L Evaluation can also be sent directly from the evaluator to the TMB via US mail, fax, or email. Mailing instructions are listed on page 3 of the Form L Evaluation.
  • National Practitioner Data Bank/Health Integrity Data Bank Self-Query Response.  Contact the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)/Healthcare Integrity and Protection Databank (HIPDB) at and perform a self-query. Send either of the following to the TMB: (a) a copy of the paper self-query response mailed to you by HIPDB/NPDB; or, (b) a print out of the electronic version of the self-query response.

  • Documentation of NCCPA Examination Attempts. Use the NCCPA Attempt Request formto request this information be sent to the Texas Physician Assistant Board.
  • Alternate Name.  If you have recorded an alternate name on your application you are required to submit copies of documents that will support the name change. Those documents could be a marriage certificate, divorce decree, court ordered name change, or some other official document.
  • Passing Jurisprudence (JP) Exam Score. The JP scores are sent directly to the Board by the vendor. For more information on the JP Exam use the link to the left.

  • Active Practice as a PA. All physician assistant applicants shall submit professional or work history evaluations demonstrating or relating to the practice as a physician assistant in the preceding five years from the date of application. "Current clinical practice" may be demonstrated by currently practicing as a physician assistant involving treatment of persons, enrollment as a student in an acceptable approved physician assistant program, or appointment as an active teaching faculty member in an acceptable approved physician assistant program, within the last three years from the date of application for licensure.
  • DD 214.  Copy indicating the type of discharge, if applicable.
  • Fingerprints.  Physician Assistant licensure applicants are required to submit their Fingerprints for state and national criminal history background checks.  Fingerprinting services are provided by IdentoGo by IDEMIA a fee, payable directly to IdentoGo.  Results of the fingerprinting will be sent directly to TMB both from the Texas Department of Public Safety Criminal Records and the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Return to Active Status

If you wish to return to active status from Inactive status you may do so by:

  • submitting the licensure application and fee,

  • complying with the requirements for license renewal,

  • providing current verifications from each state in which you hold a license,

  • demonstrating current certification by NCCPA,

  • submitting evaluation Form L from each employment held after your Texas PA license was placed on inactive status, and

  • submitting professional or work history evaluations demonstrating or relating to the practice as a physician assistant involving treatment of persons, enrollment as a student in an acceptable approved physician assistant program, or appointment as an active teaching faculty member in an acceptable approved physician assistant program in the preceding three years from the date of application.

Relicensure Applicants

If your license has been canceled for non-payment or by request, you are required to meet current statutory requirements and board rules. Submit documentation of anything that is new or has changed since you were originally licensed, as well as documentation that is non-static, such as state board verifications.

Reissuance Applicants

If your license has been revoked by the board, you are required to meet current statutory requirements and board rules. In addition, you must furnish documentation that the reissuance of your license is in your best interest and in the best interest of the public. Submit documentation of anything that is new or has changed since you were originally licensed, as well as documentation that is non-static, such as state board verifications.