image of caduceus
Other Numbers
  • Agency Other Numbers - Acupuncturist


    This department of the Licensure Division supports the Board of Acupuncture Examiners and administers the licensing program for acupuncturists

    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 305-7009 or (888) 550-7516



    Agency Other Numbers - Administration/Finance

     The Administrative Services and Finance Division keeps the agency running smoothly. The Finance Department handles all the agency's accounting and fiscal operations. Support services provides mail, purchasing, receptionist and other administrative support for the agency.

    Phone: (512) 305-7050

     Fax: (512) 305-7008

    Agency Other Numbers - Compliance

    The Compliance Department staff, including field compliance officers, work to ensure licensees under disciplinary orders from the Board comply with terms of the orders.

    Phone: (512) 305-7098

    Fax: (888) 661-4973

    Agency Other Numbers - Consumer Complaint Hotline


    Phone: 1-800-201-9353   (Toll-free in Texas only)

    Fax: (512) 463-9416 or (888) 790-0621

    Agency Other Numbers - Data Products


    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 305-7008

    Agency Other Numbers - Disciplinary Action Hotline


    Phone: 1-800-248-4062

     (Toll-free in Texas only)

    Agency Other Numbers - Executive


    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 305-7051

    Agency Other Numbers - Human Resources

    The Human Resources Department (HRD) mission is to implement and provide human resources programs, services, and expertise that fosters employee and organizational success. We will strive for excellence to address the needs of our managers and employees with an underlying commitment to treat all employees with respect and dignity while recognizing unique differences, life experiences, perspectives, and contributions.

    Fax: (512) 305-7124

    Agency Other Numbers - Investigations


    The Investigations Department investigates complaints against licensees. It includes field investigators who work throughout the state.

    Phone: (512) 305-7100

    Fax: (888) 859-5336

    Agency Other Numbers - Licensure Verifications


    The Pre-Licensure, Registration and Consumer Services (PRC) responds to requests for verifications of licenses. PRC Representatives are also trained to answer general questions regarding licensure, registration and continuing education.

    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 463-9416 or (888) 790-0621

    Agency Other Numbers - Litigation


    Attorneys in the Litigation Department prepare disciplinary action cases and represent the Board in informal settlement conferences/show compliance hearings or before administrative law judges. Board litigation staff only addresses legal concerns related to pending cases.

    Phone: (512) 305-7070

    Fax: (512) 305-7007

    Agency Other Numbers - Non-Certified Radiologic Technicians


    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 463-9416 or (888) 790-0621

    Agency Other Numbers - Non-Profit Health Organizations


    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 305-7009 or (888) 550-7516

    Agency Other Numbers - Physician Assistants


    This department of the Licensure Division supports the Texas Physician Assistant Board and administers the licensing program for physician assistants.

    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 305-7009 or (888) 550-7516

    Agency Other Numbers - Physicians in Training


    This department of the Licensure Division issues various training permits such as physicians in training, visiting professor, faculty temporary licensing, national health corporation, and consulting physician approval letters.

    Phone: (512) 305-7130

    Fax: (512) 305-7009 or (888) 550-7516

    Agency Other Numbers - Physician Licensure


    This department of the Licensure Division processes applications of physicians applying for licensure, assuring they meet the stringent qualifications for licensure in Texas and admission to the Texas Medical Jurisprudence Examination.

    Phone: (512) 305-7130

    Fax: (512) 305-7009 or (888) 550-7516

    Agency Other Numbers - Pre-Licensure, Registration and Consumer Services (PRC)


    The PRC responds to requests for verifications of licenses. PRC Representatives are also trained to answer general questions regarding licensure, registration and continuing education.

    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 463-9416 or (888) 790-0621

    Agency Other Numbers - Communications


    The Communications Officer responds to media inquiries; prepares news releases and the Board's newsletter, the TMB Bulletin, and manages TMB's web site content.

    Phone: (512) 305-7018

    Fax: (512) 305-7051

    Agency Other Numbers - For Numbers Not Listed


    Phone: (512) 305-7030

    Fax: (512) 463-9416 or (888) 790-0621
