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Acupuncturist Application and Registration Fees

Application Fees

Application Fee:  The fee for acupuncturist licensure in Texas is $320.00.  An additional non-refundable surcharge related to the Texas Physician Health Program ($5.25) will be assessed with the application fee. The entire fee must be submitted before your application can be assigned and processed.

Temporary License fee: If requested, a temporary license can be issued once you have met all the requirements for permanent licensure, to enable you to practice until issuance of your permanent license at the next Acupuncture Board meeting. The fee is $107.

Registration Fees

  • Once the Board has issued you an official license number, you will have 90 days to register and activate your license.  Failure to register will result in penalty fees, and after one year, license cancellation.

    Initial registration is completed via hardcopy forms sent to the licensee shortly after issuance and subsequent renewals can be completed online.


    Please note: You must complete registration and pay the fee within 90 days of the date your license was issued to avoid penalty fees.  If you have not registered your license within 90 days of your license issue date, a penalty fee equal to ½ the registration fee will be assessed.  If you have not registered your license within 120 days of your license issue date, the penalty fee will increase to a fee equal to a full registration fee.  If you do not register within 12 months of the date of issuance of your license, your license will be considered canceled.


    Initial Registration Fee as of 9/1/2023

    The Board assigns a first registration period. These vary in length from 6 to 24 months. First time registration fees are prorated accordingly. Subsequent registrations will be two years in length and will be due on the same day each year.


    The initial registration fee includes a $5 Office of Patient Protection fee for the first year, with an additional $1 charged for any subsequent year. This fees are required by statute and cannot be pro-rated. The remaining amount is required by the Acupuncture Board and prorated for each permit length.


    These fees are explained in more detail in the chart below.


    Initial Biennial Registration

    Length of Permit

    Agency Fee

    Ofc Pt Prot Fee


    6 months




    9 months




    12 months




    15 months




    18 months




    21 months




    24 months




    The biennial registration fee includes a $2 Office of Patient Protection fee. These fees are required by statute. The remaining $665 is the fee required by the Acupuncture Board.


    These fees are explained in more detail in the chart below.


    Subsequent Registration 

    Length of Permit

    Agency Fee

    Ofc Pt Prot Fee


    24 months




    *Fees are not refundable.

    For any questions related to the renewal process, please contact us at using the subject line: “AC renewal”, and please also include your license number.  This will help us route your request appropriately for a faster response.

    Online registration:

    At this time, initial Acupuncture registration may not be completed online.

    No financial information is seen, processed, or stored by the Texas Medical Board.

    The payment portion of the online registration system is handled by, the official website of Texas.  The price of this service includes funds that support the ongoing operations and enhancements of, which is provided by a third party in partnership with the State. will remit the amount paid to the Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners on your behalf.


    Please note that as of 9/1/2015 will charge a different amount depending on the type of online payment service used.

    Ex:            $672.25 Registration fee due          

                     $687.64 Total amount charged on credit card


    Ex:            $672.25 Registration fee due

                     $672.25 Total amount charged through electronic check


    Non-online (paper) registration:

    An additional processing fee of $50 will be charged to those licensees who choose to register through a paper form, when an online option is available.  If an online option is not available (ex: license is delinquent or suspended at the time of registration) the additional processing fee will not be required.


    To request a hard copy registration form, please contact the Registration Department at or (512) 305-7030.