Statutory regulations require the TMB to maintain a profile on each licensed physician. This profile information is gathered in conjunction with the license registration and is available to the public through our online verification database located here:
Look up a License
The Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 154.006 requires that information be made available through the physician profile system. In addition to the statutorily required information, the TMB has adopted rules (Chapter 162) regarding the contents of the physician profile system. More information is available at: Occupations Code & Board Rules
Due to concern expressed by licensees regarding identity theft and the public disclosure of exact dates of birth, TMB has revised our policy for disclosing this information. We no longer include exact dates of birth in our data products, online verification databases or verbal verifications. We do however continue to include birth year.
The profile of each licensed physician contains the following basic information, some of which is provided by the physician (e.g. primary practice address, hospital privileges, specialty board certification, delegation information, etc.)and some of which is provided and verified by the board (e.g., license status, educational background, disciplinary actions, etc.):
(1) Full name;
(2) Place of birth if the physician requests that it be included in the physician's profile;
(3) Gender;
(4) Ethnic origin if the physician requests that it be included in the physician's profile;
(5) Name of each medical school attended and the dates of:
(A) Graduation; or
(B) Fifth Pathway designation and completion of the Fifth Pathway Program;
(6) A description of all graduate medical education in the United States or Canada, including:
(A) Beginning and ending dates;
(B) Program name;
(C) City and state of program;
(D) Type of training (internship, residency or fellowship); and
(E) Specialty of program;
(7) Any specialty certification held by the physician and issued by a board that is a member of the American Board of Medical Specialties or the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists;
(8) Primary and secondary specialties practiced, as designated by the physician;
(9) The number of years the physician has actively practiced medicine in:
(A) The United States or Canada; and
(B) Texas;
(10) The original date of issuance of the physician's Texas medical license;
(11) The expiration date of the physician's registration permit;
(12) The physician's current registration, disciplinary and licensure statuses;
(13) The name and city of each hospital in Texas in which the physician has privileges;
(14) The physician's primary practice location (street address, city, state and zip code);
(15) The type of language translating services, including translating services for a person with impairment of hearing that the physician provides at the physician's primary practice location;
(16) Whether the physician participates in the Medicaid program;
(17) Whether the physician's patient service areas are accessible to disabled persons, as defined by federal law;
(18) A description of any conviction for an offense constituting a felony, a Class A or Class B misdemeanor, or a Class C misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;
(19) A description of any charges reported to the board to which the physician has pleaded no contest, for which the physician is the subject of deferred adjudication or pretrial diversion, or in which sufficient facts of guilt were found and the matter was continued by a court of competent jurisdiction;
(20) A description of any public board action against the physician;
(21) A description of any disciplinary action against the physician by a medical licensing board of another state;
(22) A description of the final resolution taken by the board on medical malpractice claims or complaints required to be opened by the board under the Medical Practice Act (the "Act"), TEX. OCC. CODE ANN. 164.201;
(23) A description of any formal complaint issued by the board's staff against the physician and initiated and filed with the State Office of Administrative Hearings under 164.005 of the Act and the status of the complaint;
(24) A description of a maximum of five awards, honors, publications or academic appointments submitted by the physician, each no longer than 120 characters; and
(25) A description of any medical malpractice claim against the physician,
(A) For which the physician was found liable,
(B) A jury awarded monetary damages to the claimant &
(C) The award is determined to be final not subject to further appeal.
The profile of each licensed physician contains some basic information, which is provided by the physician (e.g. primary practice address, hospital privileges, specialty board certification, delegation information, etc.) and can be updated at any time. Many updates are provided by the physician at a time of licensure renewal/registration. An update may be provided by the licensee between renewals, while certain updates MUST be provided within 30 days of the event. Follow these few simple steps to update your profile.
- Print a copy of the online profile by searching for your license in the Look up a License system.
- Review the information available on your profile and make notations of any changes/corrections/updates that are needed.
- Certain updates must be reported to the board within 10 days of after the event (criminal charges and convictions, disciplinary actions by other states, and medical malpractice Jury awards). For those 10 day updates, you may submit updates using your MyTMB account, or you may submit the Physician Profile Update Request Form. For more detailed information on what is required to be reported when, please see the “When do I update my profile?” tab.
- Licensee profile changes/corrections/updates submitted through MyTMB will be updated automatically.
- Please note - MyTMB profile updates are currently limited to criminal charges and convictions, disciplinary actions by other states, and medical malpractice Jury awards. Keep checking your account, as we will be expanding these profile update options as they come available.
- Licensee profile changes/corrections/updates not submitted through MyTMB must be submitted in writing, with the signature of the licensee.
- Please note - Email requests will only be accepted if the email includes an attachment with the requested change and a signature of the licensee.
Written changes can be sent to:
Fax: (888) 512-2581
Texas Medical Board
P.O. Box 2029, MC-245
Austin, TX 78768-2029
- Requests are reviewed in the order received, and may take up to 10 business days for processing.
Licensees are required to attest as to whether or not the profile information is correct at the time of registration/renewal and to initiate correction of any incorrect information. However, physicians must maintain current profile information by submitting updates and corrections as changes occur, pursuant to Board rules.
Per Board rule 162.2, licensed physicians must report the following to the Board within 10 days after the event:
(1) A description of any charges reported to the board to which the physician has pleaded no contest, for which the physician is the subject of deferred adjudication or pretrial diversion, or in which sufficient facts of guilt were found and the matter was continued by a court;
(2) change of mailing or practice address;
(3) Incarceration in a state or federal penitentiary;
(4) A description of any conviction for a felony, a Class A or Class B misdemeanor, or a Class C misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;
(5) A description of any charges reported to the board to which the physician has pleaded no contest, for which the physician is the subject of deferred adjudication or pretrial diversion, or in which sufficient facts of guilt were found and the matter was continued by a court;(6) An initial finding of guilt for a crime set forth in §164.057 of the Act; including but not limited to, an initial finding by the trier of fact of guilt of a felony under:
(A) Chapter 481 or 483, Health and Safety Code (relating to offenses involving controlled substances and dangerous drugs);
(B) Section 485.033, Health and Safety Code (relating to offenses involving inhalant paraphernalia); or
(C) the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 (21 U.S.C. §801 et seq.);
(7) Any disciplinary action issued by another state, territory, or nation against the physician’s medical license;
(8) Any medical malpractice claim against the physician for which the physician was found liable, a jury awarded monetary damages to the claimant, and the award has been determined to be final and not subject to further appeal. This does not include any offers by the physician to settle the claim; or
(9) changes in the physician's American Board of Medical Specialties or the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists specialty certification.
The full text of Board rule 162 is available for review here.
The process for updating a mailing or practice address is available here.
For those 10 day updates, you may submit updates using your MyTMB account, or you may submit the Physician Profile Update Request Form.