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Search Term: 'physician self prescribing controlled substances'

CE for General MRTs

“... n 12 hours shall be completed through independent self-study. A permit holder must report during registration if she or he has completed the required CE during the previous two years (biennial registration period).     New Human Trafficking Prevention Requirement House Bill 2059  ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Resources - CE for GMRT

CE for Limited MRTs

“... an 9 hours shall be completed through independent self-study. A permit holder must report during registration if she or he has completed the required CE during the previous two years (biennial registration period).     New Human Trafficking Prevention Requirement House Bill 2059 (86th ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Resources - CE for Limited MRTs

CE for NCT Registry

“... Bill 2059 (86th Legislature) requires physicians, physician assistants, and any licensee of the TMB’s advisory boards or committees that provide direct patient care, to complete a human trafficking prevention course approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). This requir ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): resources - CE for NCT Registry

CE for Perfusionists

“... Bill 2059 (86th Legislature) requires physicians, physician assistants, and any licensee of the TMB’s advisory boards or committees that provide direct patient care, to complete a human trafficking prevention course approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). This requir ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): resources - CE for Perfusionists

CE for RCPs

“... Bill 2059 (86th Legislature) requires physicians, physician assistants, and any licensee of the TMB’s advisory boards or committees that provide direct patient care, to complete a human trafficking prevention course approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). This requir ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): resources - CE for RCPs


“... nd work under the supervision of a licensed Texas physician, chiropractor, or podiatrist.  Additional information is provided below.   For information on the NCT Registry renewal click here. For information on the NCT Permit renewal click here. For information on the Hardship exemptions c ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Retirement/Cancellation by Request

PA Inactive Tab 1 – Requesting the Inactive Status

“... quest a change to the Inactive status for a Texas physician assistant license, complete and return the inactive request form (link below) to the Board for approval before the expiration date of the current license.  Refunds of registration/renewal fees already paid cannot be made. Because this ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Renewal - Cancellation by Request

Sunset Review

“... erstate Medical Licensure Compact (May 2018) Self-Evaluation Report UPDATED (Sep 2017) Self-Evaluation Report (Sep 2015)   2016-2017 Sunset Review House Bill 3040 85(R), the bill that contained the Sunset Commission’s statutory recommendations for the Texas Medical Board, ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Sunset Review

Perfusionist Licensure Advisory Committee

“... edications or anesthetics through equipment under physician direction   Agendas: Perfusionist Licensure Advisory Committee Agenda (May 13, 2016)   Minutes: Perfusionist Licensure Advisory Committee Minutes (February 12, 2016) ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Agency - Perfusionist Licensure Advisory Committee

Respiratory Care Board

“... edications or anesthetics through equipment under physician direction   ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Agency - Respiratory Care Board

Medical Radiologic Technology Board Biographies

“... of Radiologic Technologists, Society of Radiology Physician Extenders and American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Brandt received a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in radiologic sciences from Midwestern State University. Regan Landreth     Regan Landreth Regan Landr ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Agency - Medical Radiologic Technology Board Biographies

Physician Assistant License Issuance Dates

“FY24 Physician Assistant License Issuance Dates   * IMPORTANT -  In order for an applicant to eligible for issuance of a permanent license your application must have been determined complete in every detail by your assigned licensing analyst prior to the deadlines noted below.  C ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Licensing - PA License Issue Dates

Continuing Education for Surgical Assistants

“... Bill 2059 (86th Legislature) requires physicians, physician assistants, and any licensee of the TMB’s advisory boards or committees that provide direct patient care, to complete a human trafficking prevention course approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). This requir ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): resources - CE for Surgical Assistants

Profile contents - Tab #1 - What is on the Profile?

“... es that information be made available through the physician profile system. In addition to the statutorily required information, the TMB has adopted rules (Chapter 173) regarding the contents of the physician profile system.  More information is avaliable at: Occupations Code & Board R ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Contents of the Profile System

Current Board Action

“This section of the physician profile contains the most current Texas Medical Board  actions against this physician. (This may include any formal complaints filed by TMB, as well as petitions and/or responses related to licensure contested matters, at the State Office of Administrative Hearings ... ”

This content is located on the following page(s): Physician Profile Descriptions

My physician license is currently in a retired status.  How to I return it to an active status so I can practice?

“To return to practice from retired status, a physician must obtain approval of the Board after submitting a written request.  If a physician has been on official retired status for two years or longer, the request must be reviewed by the Licensure Committee of the Board.  Please contact th ... ”

Do I have to let the Medical Board know about my delegates/supervising physicians?

“Yes, if you are a physician or a physician assistant. Physicians are required to register all PAs and APRNs that they supervise prior to the delegates beginning to work for them.  If there is a change to the scope of the delegation, physicians must notify the Board within 30 days of this c ... ”

Are there any additional requirements that I need to complete before I request to return my retired physician license to an active status?

“To return to practice from retired status, a physician must obtain approval of the Board after submitting a written request.  Please contact the Registration department for information on the approval procedure.If the request is granted, it may be granted without conditions or subject to such c ... ”

Is only the prescriber allowed to check the PMP, or can someone else check on behalf of the physician?

“A physician, their delegated midlevel provider, or any other qualified and licensed individual delegated authority to check the PMP may do so on behalf of the prescriber.  Ultimately though, it is the prescriber’s responsibility to ensure that the PMP has been checked and that they have r ... ”

If I discover a patient is receiving scheduled medication from other physicians, what action must I take? For example, must I immediately terminate the patient or cease prescribing the scheduled medication?

“... formation they gain to make educated and informed prescribing decisions. ”

Are there any exemptions to the requirement that I must check the PMP prior to prescribing opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol?

“Yes. For patients with the following documented conditions, a PMP check is not required: a documented cancer diagnosis, sickle cell disease, patients receiving care through a licensed hospice provider, or if  the prescriber makes and documents a good faith attempt to comply but is unable to acc ... ”

How far ahead of time can I check the PMP?

“... ossible in order to make informed decisions about prescribing certain controlled substances.  If the PMP check is completed too far ahead of time, then there may be new information in the PMP that the prescriber is not considering.The PMP is updated on a 24-hour basis and therefore contains inf ... ”

How do I qualify for the waiver?

“... you or your practice being unable to set up an e-prescribing process. On the waiver form, you will have to specify any of the above categories you are experiencing.  ”

How will I be notified if I am granted a waiver?

“... ted a waiver, it will be displayed on your public physician profile.  This alone will serve as proof of your waiver.  Generally, waiver requests are determined within 2-3 business days.  You are encouraged to check your profile daily upon submitting your waiver request. You may also c ... ”

Does everyone at my practice have to apply for a waiver or just the medical director?

“Currently, each individual physician who needs a waiver will have to apply for their own individual waiver. Although this may change in the future, TMB is currently unable to track waivers by group.       ”

Do delegates who have prescribing authority have to apply for their own waiver or are they covered by the supervising physician’s waiver? 

“If the supervising physician has a waiver, then the prescribing delegate is also covered under that waiver. So long as the prescribing delegate is prescribing under the authority of a physician who has been granted a waiver, then the prescribing delegate may use non-electronic prescribing means.&nbs ... ”

How can someone determine if a practitioner has a waiver?

“ If a physician has a waiver from e-prescribing, it is viewable on their public profile page, under the section entitled “Verified Information.”   If you want to verify that a PA or nurse practitioner has a waiver, you will have to look at the delegating physician’s ... ”