image of caduceus
Continuing Education for Acudetox Specialists

As a prerequisite for acudetox registration, practitioners are required to complete continuing auricular acupuncture education (CAAE).


Documentation of continuing educaiton courses shall be made available to the Board upon request but should not be submitted with the registration. Random audits will be made to assure compliance.

If you have any questions regarding continuing education requirements, please email us at .


The required hours shall be from auricular acupuncture courses that meet at least one of the qualifications listed below:

  • designated or otherwise approved for credit by the Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners based on a review and recommendation of the course content by the Education Committee of the board  (see “List of Current Approved Courses” below),
  • are offered by Approved Providers  (see “List of Current Approved Providers” below),
  • are offered by a Acudetox Training Program approved by the Board,
  • have been approved for CAAE credit for a minimum of 3 years by another state acupuncture board after having gone through a formal approval process,
  • approved by the NCCAOM for professional development activity credit (see "NCCAOM Resources" below)OR
  • provided outside the United States by a provider of continuing acupuncture education that are acceptable to the Board.


  • Acudetox Specialists must complete at least 3 hours of continuing education in the licensing period before applying for the renewal. (i.e., 3 hours every 36 months).

    Courses may be taught through live lecture, distance learning, or the Internet.

    An acudetox specialist must report on the registration permit application if she or he has completed the required continuing education.


    A licensee may request in writing an exemption* for the following reasons:

    •        the licensee's catastrophic illness;
    •        the licensee's military service of longer than one year's duration;

    *Exemptions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be requested in writing at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the license.  An exemption may not exceed one registration period, but may be renewed, subject to approval.


    Acudetox Continuing Education Exemption Request Form

  • CAE resources

    List of Current Approved Courses:  CAE Approved Courses

    The courses on this list are the only individually approved CAE courses at this time. Courses are approved by the Board for three years. These courses may or may not be related to auricular acupuncture.  For additional information about these courses, please contact the providers directly.


    List of Current Approved Providers:  CAE Approved Provider Numbers

    The CAE providers included on this list have been approved by the Board for a period of three years. All courses taken through these providers during their approval period can be used towards CAE requirements. These courses may or may not be related to auricular acupuncture.  For additional information about these courses, please contact the providers directly.


    NCCAOM Resources

    This link will take you to the NCCAOM Professional Development Activity search.  These courses may or may not be related to auricular acupuncture.  For additional information about these courses, please contact the providers directly.